About Devalda Medical Center

Devalda Medical Center & Pharmacy, officially launched on April 2nd,  2019 with the presence of honorable guest H.E Dr. Mam Bunheng, Minister of Health, is a private 24-hour healthcare centre with modern facilities in Cambodia. We are specialized in hepatology, treating diseases of the liver.

Our mission is to satisfy our patients with the experience of trustworthy and premium quality healthcare provided by medical personnel.

We firmly uphold medical ethics with integrated healthcare-hospitality into our service, ensuring that our patients are treated with honesty, kindness, and respect.

Our Vision: Is to become a leading healthcare center trusted by local and international patients and medical personnel. We establish the partnership with local and internal private healthcare sectors that share the same or similar vision and mission to improve the quality of health care in Cambodia with international quality and improve Cambodian people’s health and well-beings through partnership service.

Meet our doctors

H.E. Prof. Dr. Tan Kimmeng, MD


Advisor to Ministry of Health

Chairman of Private Health Sector Working Group (12th)  

Elected Member of Cambodia Chamber of Commerce.


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Dr. Tan Indravina, MD, Msc 


Dr. Indravina Tan specializes in Internal Medicine and manages Devalda Medical Center as an Executive Director also a Co-founder of VAAC Vip Air Ambulance & Charter Flight.


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Dr. Ros Vanthyda, MD 


General Practitioner (GP) 

Licensed Sonographer 

Ultrasound trainer at Centre Echographique du Cambodge


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Dr. Ho Lyda, MD


Dr. Lyda Ho, MBBS, MD (Psychiatrist), As I am a psychiatrist and working in this field I hope I can help people that suffering from mental illness as much as I can to improve their living and giving a new hope for them.


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