Health Mission / Charity Events

Devalda Charity Box Save Life:


In March 2019, we received a patient who is a construction worker nearby our center; he got injured on the left side of his forehead by a falling object. Our doctor removed the object, cleaned and wounded up and prescribed him some medication. Our cashier informed the management that he didn’t have enough money to pay the bill, so Devalda’s Charity Box helped cover the remaining amount.


About Charity Box: When customers are satisfied with our healthcare services, they donate their tips to our charity box. Their donation contributes our CSR program.


At Devalda, we have our internal policies that our staff cannot accept tips from the customers. So, instead of rejecting the kindness and gratitude from our happy customers, we set up the Davalda Charity Box.



Health Screening Mission: On March 15, 2020, Dr. Indravina Tan Managing, Director of Devalda Medical Center, collaborated with St John Phnom Penh. This non-organization aims to improve health and well-being of people around the world, including their mission in Cambodia, leaded by two different groups of the medical team from Devalda Medical Center and St John members to conduct free health screenings for more than 150 poor villagers at Preston International School in Jack Village, Svay Chor Cheb Commune, Borset District, Kompong Speu Province. The mission was successfully completed with the support of Ms. Trish Hem from St John Australia along with Himawari Hotel Apartments and other donors.


St John Phnom Penh also educated the villagers on how to protect themselves from COVID-19 by teaching them how to wash their hands and how wear a mask correctly.


Devalda Medical Center would like to thank St John Phnom Penh for having our medical team to be a part of this mission.


Donation Medical Supplies to C19 Treatment Center:

Devalda Medical Center together with VAAC-Vip Air Ambulance, have donated essential medical supplies to a Covid19 Treatment Centre located at Chea SimSamaki High School, Phnom Penh. We believe that love is an action, and our action is together for the future of Cambodian’s Health.


Food Recues Operation: In Oct 17, 2020, Devalda Medical Center together with VAAC-Vip Air Ambulance and other generous donors, have contributed emergency food supplies to families affected by flood at Por Sat province.