Our Team

H.E. Prof. Dr. Tan Kimmeng, MD


Advisor to Ministry of Health

Chairman of Private Health Sector Working Group (12th)  

Elected Member of Cambodia Chamber of Commerce.


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Dr. Tan Indravina, MD, Msc 


Dr. Indravina Tan specializes in Internal Medicine and manages Devalda Medical Center as an Executive Director also a Co-founder of VAAC Vip Air Ambulance & Charter Flight.


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Dr. Ros Vanthyda, MD 


General Practitioner (GP) 

Licensed Sonographer 

Ultrasound trainer at Centre Echographique du Cambodge


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Dr. Ho Lyda, MD


Dr. Lyda Ho, MBBS, MD (Psychiatrist), As I am a psychiatrist and working in this field I hope I can help people that suffering from mental illness as much as I can to improve their living and giving a new hope for them.


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Dr. Seam Vinhean, MD


I am Dr. Seam Vinhean, a medical doctor (General Practitioner). Being in this position as a general practitioner, with all the efforts and knowledge I have, I hope that I can help patient to bounce back from their illness and regain a good health back again.

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Dr. Rotana


General Practitioner (GP) 

Licensed Sonographer 

Ultrasound trainer at Centre Echographique du Cambodge


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Ph. Orm Pichmonny
Pharmacy Manager


As a professional pharmacist, I strongly promote and enhance patients’ well-being regarding 5Rs medication use. Those 5Rs include the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right time, and the right route.

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